Welcome to Day 2,210.

Today is a lighter day than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up, in While & After news, volume 83 of Flickasbord has posted to the Sneak Leaks page, while volume 80 of Flickasbord has been converted into a non-menu webpage.

And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:

  • Following its demotion to Tier 8, Mars Needs Moms responded with a successful re-assessment, therefore it was placed in Tier 7 as a movie for the 2,101 through 2,301 selection protocol
  • Due to Sister '14 getting hard copy confirmation, that movie and Moving McAllister were both exempt from Tier 12
  • Due to being similar to Mars Needs Moms, the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page has traded Astro Boy back to Tier 7 for Celeste & Jesse Forever

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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